Your company’s cell phone bill is most likely one of its greatest expenses. Most employees need a “smartphone” to get emails and directions, and use it for other business purposes. So with that in mind, we wanted to share three ways you can cut down your bill.
- Window Shop
Window shopping is what you do when you’re considering purchasing, but you’re still in the information gathering stage. It works the same way for cell phone planning. This requires a bit of legwork on your part, but this is also something you can delegate to an employee. Have them gather key points such as Cost Per Line, Cost Per Minute, and Cost Per Kilobyte. And don’t even bother with the small fish at your local mall (chances are they will tell you two different things anyway); go straight to the source by calling the company’s main line and asking to speak with a manager or supervisor. Gather a quote from the major players and then compare!
- Get An App For That
There are so many apps out there that it’s borderline ridiculous. Ridiculously awesome, that is. There are many apps that can help you cut down on your cell phone texting, minutes, and data. WhatsApp is an App for texting that works across all the four big devices (BlackBerry, iPhone, Google Android, and Nokia). There are a variety of other apps that can help with calling minutes such as Facebook Messenger or Google Apps. Lastly, an App like Onavo compresses your data so that you can stay within your plan’s limits. These aren’t the only apps either, all that’s required is a simple search.
- Make The Most of Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi is the best friend that you never had. When you’re at home, even if the signal is bad, there’s no reason to go to data usage. We have found that if you “Turn Off Mobile Data Usage” (usually under your phone’s “Settings”) on your phone, your phone tends to mysteriously have a stronger grip on that Wi-Fi signal. Do you really have to check your email NOW? Chances are that it can probably wait until you get to a place with Wi-Fi. Using Wi-Fi is the best way to avoid data overages and stick within your plan’s limits.
If you have questions about saving your company money through the auditing, optimizing, or managing of your wireless services, please click here to contact The Bill Police.
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