Whats New?
Verizon has just helped itself to some new revenue sponsored by……YOU! They have added a new Administrative charge to help their bottom line and you will be the one paying for it.
How much will it cost?
Starting in June 16th 2022, Verizon will be adding $2.20 per Smartphone and $.98 for Tablets or Data only devices.
What are the details?
Verizon will implement a new “Economic Adjustment Charge” of $2.20 per line/per month for smartphones and/or data lines on plans that have recently been activated or upgraded, completed a “contract-based line term,” or have 12 months or less remaining on a device payment plan. For business accounts, tablets and non-smartphones will cost .98 cents per month. Both changes come into effect on June 16, 2022.
The new surcharges are only applicable to existing lines (lines activated before 5/16/2022) that meet the following conditions;
• If the line existed BEFORE 5/16/2022 AND is currently out of contract: line contract has expired, no current device installment, or line was activated without a contract (BYOD)
• If the line existed BEFORE 5/16/2022 AND has a current device installment agreement, and has 12 months or less remaining on the agreement.
• Lines that existed prior to 5/16/2022 and are currently in contract (or have more than 12 months remaining on their existing installment agreement) will not be charged the surcharge. However, once the line is upgraded – it will start to be billed the monthly surcharge.
• Lines that are activated on 5/16/2022 and moving forward will be subject to the surcharge, regardless of the contract status.
Why is Verizon doing this?
Verizon states, “From time to time, we review and make adjustments to fees to defray some of Verizon’s administrative and telco expenses and costs of complying with regulatory requirements.” Tami Erwin, the Head of Verizon Business stated, “We’re all feeling the pressure and we’ve been in the process of deciding how much of that pressure we can share with our clients.”
What can i do about it?
Government and Non-Profit accounts have been the only organizations that are exempt. We have assisted customers to see if they are on a State Contract or can be listed as a Non-Profit with an exemption form. This may assist in getting those charges removed.
This is not a negotiable charge. It is just for the privledge of having Verizon as a carrier.
Please let us know if Bill Police can help you transition to an exempt account type. Contact us here.
Because we are ….Still Protecting Your Wireless Rights…….