- FREE-wifi-great-BEER-sign
Just like this sign, carrier marketers are sneaky brilliant advertisers. Several recent ads come to mind; one is
“New data plan and UNL talk and text for per month, no annual contract, no long term agreement”. Sounds great, right?
Statement from Carrier : “UNLMITED TALK AND TEXT”
What the Carrier really means:
1. DONT confuse UNLIMITED TEXTING and UNLIMITED TALKING with UNLIMITED DATA. The Minutes and Texting are UNLIMTED, yes, but the DATA: not so much
Many of these plans offer a limited amount of data : 300MB of data, for example. The average user uses about 800 MB of data each month (for you social media hounds, this is only about 11 hours total ALL month of web browsing or only 18 minutes each day for a month).
Statement from Carrier : “No annual contract, no long term agreement”
What they REALLY means:
1. You bring your own device OR
2. You pay FULL RETAIL price for a device (usually about $500 compared to $150 if you have an Annual Contract)
3. You re-up your contract IF you are currently out of contract
4. You PAY for the device completely (at $25 per month) even if you want to upgrade your device. For example, you will pay for your existing device until IT IS PAID OFF for 24 billing cycles whether you are even using that device (upgrade, lose, replace etc.) or not.
This means you don’t have the Carrier subsidize or discount the price of your device and therefore that cost is solely your responsibility.
Many of these plans are a great idea for users, but be sure to Watch for the fine print to Crack the Carrier Code!
Still Protecting your Wireless Rights……..