“All about you DH”…..this is one of my very favorite and most often used expressions — needed to be said in a low voice (like Yogi Bear “Heey Boo Boo” — allaboutyouDH) with the emphais on the DH.
So first, what is DH? Duck Head, of course. Or you can substitute your own D word but Duck is the unofficial term, and i am sticking to it.
Of course you have heard this expression before, but the way it became burned into my mind initiated as a voice mail from my sister. She calls one day and is leaving a voice mail. All of a sudden silence and then…..”all about you DH”. In this case the D was not duck, but we’ll leave it at that.
A moment later she realizes she was still talking on my voice mail and I can hear this register to her with a large silently audible “whoops!” Then….loud guffawing snorting laughter when she realizes what she has just said to me but not directly meant for me (this time anyway).
She laughed for the remainder of the full 2 minute message limit.
The backstory is that she was actually driving while she left this message for me and at that exact moment, a guy had pulled in front of her cutting her off and she responded as any normal driver might except she had an indirect voice mail participant.
It is one of my most favorite phrases because it provides hats off to those who are so tied up in what seems to be their latest narcissistic rage of being “all about yourself”. We try very hard at BP to make our services “all about you — our clients” in the best possible way. But once in awhile everyone needs a little “All about you DH” (if only in our heads) for those are “All About Me”.
We love this expression and hope to give you all a chance to protect yourself from the DH’s of life and to give yourself a moment of humor in dealing with them.
Because we are …still protecting your rights against DHs — especially the wireless ones……and especially for dana this week……..
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