Because our motto is “Protecting your Wireless Rights: Right Plan. Right Price. Right Result.”, we love Popular Mechanics for recently publishing an article by Alexander George, The IT Guy titled “Know your (Phone) Rights”. We are all about Protecting your Rights by Protecting and Serving our customers.
What are the issues?
- Unreasonable phone data search and seizure Rights
- “Unlimited Plans” and Throttling/Prioritizing Rights (see also one of our blogs about “Unlimited plans? Depends….”
You can see this article in Popular Mechanics November 2018
What do need to know about Unreasonable Search and Seizure
1. Our Data tied to our names in data centers is protected from unreasonable search and seizure per the Supreme Court 2014 in Riley vs. California
2. Lock your device: “when locked, the information becomes illegal unless the phone is properly unlocked” says George.
3. Encrypt your data
- Android: Android encryption is already in place for any devices S7 or later. Devices can be encrypted at direct boot or using credentialed encryption and you can find out more details here:
- Apple In fact, most modern Apple devices encrypt their contents by default, with various levels of protection. But to protect against someone obtaining your data by physically stealing your device, you need to tie that encryption code that only you know. Get more details here:
What do i need to know about Unlimited Phone Plan Rights?
1.Know your plan and what to do in an Emergency.
- Know if your plan is Throttled or Prioritized and at what cutoff point. Here’s a primer.
- Know your usage each month as it relates to this cutoff point
- If you are a first responder, apply for WPS: WPS provides Emergency services personnel priority access and prioritized processing in all nationwide and several regional cellular networks. Here’s more information on it: Wireless Priority Information
What else?
George states….”[It’s] 2019 and we’re still pretending that wireless communication is any less essential to life in the US than potable water or electricity”.
This means that we are so dependent on our devices that suppliers can take advantage of us and our companies by exploiting pricing, services and security because we will not stop using our technology.
Lets get smart and Protect our Wireless Rights. We can help because we are ………
…….STILL Protecting your wireless Rights: Right Plan. Right Price Right Result.
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