It is official: Samsung will send a software update to Galaxy Note7 devices to make them inoperable starting December 19th.
There are still 130,000 of you out there using your Note 7s so this is an effort to get those potentially dangerous devices off the streets. You may remember the Galaxy Note7s were recalled in September after a battery exploding/fire issue; the latest theory of root cause is a too-tight phone frame causing the battery positive and negatives to touch resulting in the towering inferno.
This week, Samsung confirmed a software update for the device on December 19, rendering the Note7 inoperable. The update will prevent the phones from charging and will “eliminate their ability to work as mobile devices.”
Every carrier is working to provide replacement devices for the Notes. You can get the latest information at this link. In most cases, you will get a replacement device plus $25 credit; however, if you stay with a Samsung device, Samsung will give you a loyalty credit of $100. Already returned yours? You can still get a additional $75 bill credit in addition to $25 you already received. Really: check out the link above.
Gotta love Jessica Dolcourt of CNET: after repeatedly encouraging Note7 users to return their device because its a ticking firebomb, here’s what she says to the question “What happens if my Note7 catches fire” “It won’t, because you’ve returned it.”
When are your drop dead dates?
The software update will be released by Samsung on December 19th, but it is sill up to the carriers to push out the software updates to the devices themselves. Below are the dates each carrier will push out the kill software to the devices:
Verizon: a bonafide fiery drop dead date
Verizon isnt participating because they are concerned their users will not have an emergency device during the holiday period. Hmm…this is a replacement program, which means users should get a replacement device to use in emergencies. Verizon could also push this out after the first of the year (like other carriers are also doing) but maybe Verizon wants a very warm and bright holiday season.
All other carriers are cooperating:
ATT: Thursday January 5 2017:
ATT pushed out this text message: “As of 1/5/2017, Samsung’s software update to prevent the Galaxy Note 7 battery from recharging will be pushed to your Note 7. The battery will no longer recharge. This Note 7 was recalled and is banned on all flights in both checked and carry-on luggage. Your safety is our priority, please return your Note 7 to the place you purchased for an exchange. For more details go to”
T-Mobile: Tuesday December 27, 2016
Sprint: January 8, 2017
Sprint stated in a news release: To drive increased participation in its U.S. Note7 Refund and Exchange Program, Samsung will release a software update beginning on January 8, 2017 that will disable all remaining Sprint Note7 devices from being able to hold a charge,” Sprint said. “This software update will eliminate the ability of these Galaxy Note7 to work as mobile devices. Customer safety is our highest priority. Sprint customers with Samsung Galaxy Note7 should immediately power off the device and discontinue using it. Sprint is honoring the replacement of all Sprint Samsung Note7 devices to any other device, regardless where or when it was purchased, condition and return policy.”
And just for a little hope for the new year: The Galaxy S8 is due out next Spring and the Note 8 is due next fall.
Still protecting your wireless fire-free rights…….