Maybe its because our carriers make people very mad in the States but the US is the place where apparently people are more likely to say “F you” than thanks. đ
We, of course, know you can go geek out and provide analytics lots of stuff, but on swearing? Â Only in America.
Quartz analyzed transcripts of 35 millon Customer Service chats that took place in May 2017 and counted up words noted as “curse”. Â It turns out Virginians are the most obnoxious with swearing in almost 7% of the chat conversations.
Sheesh (yes that was counted as a “curse”(!)); i personally take exception to many of the words deemed “curse”. Verbal categories of curse specific words included the nasty “mofo, poop, arse, and sheesh”. No wonder Virginia was #1: this is a bit of a low — albeit interesting — bar. Men used more specific ugly body part language while women used more “soft” curses like “poop” and “gosh”. Sheesh!
Since we happen to be Headquartered in Richmond Virginia and have been known to unfortunately sling a few curse bombs, this appears on target. But where does your state come in? Check out the above for the most scandalous language according to a Quartz ( report.
For the cynic in you, according to Quartz, “there is some hope: In some of the most sweary states, people also mixed in polite words like thanks, kindly, and appreciate. [i wonder if that was a “kindly go F yourself” bless your little heart]. The most polite state, in terms of pleasant words weighed against curses, was Idaho.” and the least polite was Hawaii.
Hopefully we are all swearing happily together (damn right!) because we are still…..
…..Protecting your Wireless Rights…..
Source: Â